by Brian Z. Kelly
On Monday, we
did a dress, although we could not run the first two plays in their locations,
or the last four, as both places were closed.
This cast is the most talented, versatile, in the moment group of actors
you could imagine. There are so many
things that happen along the way. On
Monday night we were in the middle of Tower of Passion in front of the Kava
Bean. Ian was lying on the ground, as is
called for in the script. A car pulled
into the parking lot, a guy hopped out of his red car and rushed over. "Is that guy lying on the ground or is
this a play?" I had to stop myself
from saying, in a Grouch Marx way, "Actually, that guy is lying on the
ground and this is a play."
Instead, we told him it was a play, and he returned to his car and
left. Funny.
Okay, so last night. Not a huge crowd, which was good...we
needed to hone our chops. You have to
imagine all these people milling in the cafe, waiting for something to
happen. Actors wearing their tickets in
plastic sheaths, just like the audience - it discourages people from tagging
along without buying a ticket.
"Grouchette" is at the ticket table with me, quipping, and
throwing Grouchoesque one liners to the audience. Worked beautifully. I had the cast for Towering Passion dressed
in black and white - like an old film, with splashes of red. Really cool. Bruce, who plays the café manager, is
wandering the café wearing a black Kava Bean apron on, and a very subtle Marx
Brothers tie pin. By the time Katharine
walks into the cafe at |
Then, Emma begins A |
Right on the heels of that piece, Tracey and
Roger launch into A SIMPLE QUESTION.
It was hilarious. Something
about theatre up so close....both of these actors are masters at facial
expressions. The audience ate this
play up. Hot. Sexy.
Funny. Written by Michael
Wilmot and directed by David Antscherl.
Performed in The Kava Bean Commons. |
As Roger exits, the couple who looks like they've
stepped out of the fifties, who insisted at the door they were not there for the
show, but just for coffee, who've been quietly arguing, erupt. Arlene, who plays Cynthia in 3. Towering
Passion, storms out of the restaurant.
Grouchette, encouraged by something happening, gets the audience to
exit. Peter, played by Ian, goes back for
his jacket and gets held back by the crowd.
"Excuse me, pardon, me - Cynthia!
Wait!" And the action
spills onto the sidewalk in front of the Kava Bean. Two fights, a lot of ruckus, a lot of
Grouchette negotiating, and Cynthia breaks her engagement, opting for the
prospect of marrying the Clock Tower in Victoria Park. This play was inspired by a story that a
woman married the TOWERING
PASSION Written by
Yohanan Kaldi Directed by
Paddy Gillard-Bentley Performed
by Jennifer Cornish, Arlene Thomas, Ian McKellar, Katharine Mills, Bruce
Wolff and Nicholas Cummings. CYNTHIA It
is over between us. PETER No,
it is not! I am yours, you are mine, we'll marry, have three children, two
cars, one dog, an aquarium, a house, 3
mortgages, a
boat and live happily ever after. CLOWN But
first, perhaps, a cappuccino? CYNTHIA (stamps her feet) No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! And no! Finally no!
Irrefutably no! CLOWN I
am confused. Is it no marriage or no cappuccino? CYNTHIA, PETER (together, to CLOWN) Shut
up! CLOWN (taken aback) Who?
Me? CYNTHIA, PETER (as above) Shut
up! |
Grouchette, now the leader of the pack, makes a
decision to follow Arlene toward the Clock Tower. On the next block, Lindsay – hapless
audience member, is approached by a woman (Shelagh) comically trying to take her
own picture with her cell phone. Part
I of Calling Five-Seven-Five. She
needs him to take her picture and he complies, audience looking on, never
quite sure if it’s a play or not. CALLING
Diane Rao Harman Directed by
Kathleen Sheehy Performed
by Shelagh Ranalli & Lindsay Stewart |
Once the
picture of her frowning holding a bag of take-out food is taken, the audience
carries on. Once into Victoria Park, Emma,
emerges from the audience to tell a 5. Funny Story (part I). Not really funny...well, there are moments,
but it’s one of the more serious pieces in the show where ‘Lauren’ talks
about her relationship with her high school English Teacher. Poignant – sweet. FUNNY STORY Written by
Lauren Feldman Directed by
Lindsay Stewart Performed
by Emma Dines |
The audience carries on to the Clock Tower, where
Arlene and Roger (Margaret & Phillip) approach same hapless audience member,
In this piece, we watch a couple go from wanting their picture taken
where they met, to breaking up. It’s a
very funny play, but the audience seemed a little sad when at the end,
Margaret wants a picture of their breakup.
Wendell complies and they both leave, in opposite directions. TAKE OUR
Mark Havey Levine Directed by
Tracey Kenyon Performed
by Roger Sumner, Arlene Thomas & Lindsay Stewart Performed at
the Clock Tower in Victoria Park ß--- The
small pictures where actually taken while the couple wrestled with the
camera. |
audience pauses to pose for a picture.
In spite of the rainy run – the audience was fantastic! |
As we moved back the way we came, to exit the
park, Emma launches into a clarification of Funny Story Again....sweet,
quiet....she handled this beautifully...because she finishes, and continues
on with the crowd. FUNNY STORY Written by
Lauren Feldman Directed by
Lindsay Stewart Performed
by Emma Dines Performed
at the far side of the Clock Tower The picture
is the audience on the move, just before Emma’s piece. |
Then we come
upon Shelagh sitting on a bench. 8.
Calling Five-Seven-Five II. Again, she needs a picture, and Lindsay
complies. Now she explains to the
audience that she’s going to propose to her young boyfriend by using to phone
to send pictures of events in their relationship and texting haikus CALLING
Diane Rao Harman Directed by
Kathleen Sheehy Performed
by Shelagh Ranalli & Lindsay Stewart |
As we move past the bus terminal, a flustered Ian
races out of the terminal, and takes a call on his cell. Apparently he missed an important theatre
production meeting. “Who reads
Shakespeare anyway?” Now, emerging
from the terminal, is Arlene and Tracey, valley girlish and hilarious as
Tracey explains in the most high-school vernacular, the plot behind
Othello. Funny stuff. BUS MOOR Written by
Roger Sumner Directed by
Nicholas Cumming Performed
by Tracey Kenyon, Arlene Thomas & Ian Mckellar Performed
at the Transit Terminal |
The audience doesn’t have far to go before one
last time, Lauren (Emma), 10. Funny
Story III, stops to explain herself one last time. Instead, she reveals a vulnerability regarding,
men and sex and the ending is so bitter sweet, that Grouchette involved the
entire audience in a group hug – Emma in the center. FUNNY STORY Written by
Lauren Feldman Directed by
Lindsay Stewart Performed
by Emma Dines Performed
at the far side of the Clock Tower |
A bit sad,
the audience turns the corner onto RETURN TO
THE CAN-CAN Written by
Molly Best Tinsley Directed by
Nicholas Cummnig Performed
by Katharine Mills & Arlene Thomas |
Loud coughing from across the street attracts the
audience’s attention. 12. No Dice.
Two rough types, Ian and Nick, confront each other. Ian wants Nick to roll dice. Nick indicates his pockets are empty. Nick
steels Ian’s wallet. Ian tries to get
it back. Funniest moment is when Nick
puts it in his mouth. Just lovely and
weird. Ian gets it back, Nick takes
Ian’s paper, and rips it. Ha! Pause.
“Same time tomorrow?”
“Sure. Why not?” The end.
A minute long. NO DICE Written by
Shirley King Directed by
Lindsay Stewart Performed
by Ian McKellar & Nicholas Cumming |
Next is the longest walking part as we head to
the green space. The cast still tagging
along start singing The Lion Sleeps Tonight.
It’s a filler. Not many
audience members joined in, but we’ve done this before. Last year, to buy a bit of time, we had
Arlene pull up in a car beside the audience and blast Sugar Sugar on the cd
player. Each night was different, but
most of them had the entire audience dancing on the street. |
A man
arranges to meet his girlfriend.
Quickly sensing he was there to break up with her, Jillian (Emma) does
the job for Adam (Bruce). After her
two-minute break-up, she leaves, kissing his cheek softly. He watches her go. You know he’s
thinking...what kind of idiot am I? MUCK Written by
Paddy Gillard-Bentley Directed by
Tracey Kenyon Performed
by Emma Dimes & Bruce Wolff Performed
at the Green Space at Duke & Ontario |
Calling Five-Seven-Five III. “Three times in one night! In Italy, I’d have to buy you a
drink.” She has one more picture to
take, and she’ll ask him to marry her with a haiku. He only works a block down. Green means yes. Red means no. And she’s off. CALLING
Diane Rao Harman Directed by
Kathleen Sheehy Performed
by Shelagh Ranalli & Lindsay Stewart |
Grammar Bums.
Ampersand! ??? Passing an alcove in an empty store is Nick
(GB), grubby like in No Dice. Just
weird, maybe he starts yelling out corrections regarding an article written
by Bruce (Gregg)...who is holding a magazine mock-up with his picture on the
cover. In Muck, we know he’s a writer,
so we kept the character the same.
They banter back and forth, funny funny piece, and finally Greg
decides to hire the odd man to edit his writing. GB demands food....not MacDonalds...but the
Walper. When Greg finally agrees, the
two head down the street, yelling PUSSY SUCKER! Last night, a car pulled up right beside
the play – the man there to pick up a woman.
As the play progressed, his window got lower. At the last line, he was killing himself
laughing, while the woman got into the car with a look like, what the hell
was that? GRAMMAR BUM Written by
David Coxhead Directed by
Paddy Gillard-Bentley Performed
by Nicholas Cumming & Bruce Wolff Performed
between King & Ontario Streets |
The audience arrives at the Walper, and there’s a
short intermission while they order drinks, visit the rest rooms and find a
seat in the Rum Runner. (last night it was Yuk Yuks as the Rum Runner was
booked. A bartender (Nick) is busy at
the bar polishing glasses. In walks
Penelope 16. Penelope. She’s a bit of a cougar, and has set her eyes on the
bartender. Young. Virile.
Not a mouse at all. There are
two stories in this play. Her hitting
on the bartender, and the constant interruptions on her cell, where she must
stop to negotiate with her husband’s kidnappers. She is glib and sexy, and my friend
Heather, almost keeled over with laughter last night. Explaining to the bartender...this was
written as a monologue but as everything with is as real as we can get it, we
put the bartender is, and believe me, he speaks volumes with his facial
expressions and body language. The
part that mad my friend almost get to sobbing with laughter is worth putting
down. She’s trying to justify that the
kidnapping might be good for him. “See, he always complains about never having any
time. Always five hundred things going on at once. This will give him the
time he needs for self-reflection. Sort of like a Woodstock Buddhist Retreat,
but in the Congo - in a concrete hut - at gunpoint. PENELOPE Written by
Sheri Grubert Directed by
Robin Bennett Performed
by Jennifer Cornish &
Nicholas Cumming at The Rum Runner |
Sadly – no
pictures exist of this moment. |
Next, the waiter enters, drops off two beers (for
the next piece), wipes a few tables, and then looks around nervously at the
audience. 17. Involuntary Ad Interim. “I’m not in a play you know. I’m the waiter” We dressed Nick in Penelope the same way we
knew Brandon dressed...Brandon, who is an actual waiter at the Walper. The piece wouldn’t have worked for an actor
the audience has already seen. It’s a
minute long, and as he exits, he mutters, “Freakin’ theatre people.” INVOLUNTARY
AD INTERIM Written by
Paddy Gillard-Bentley Directed by
Tracey Kenyon Performed
by Brandon Arnold & Brian
Kelly on nights Brandon wasn’t working. |
One of the guys from the table the ‘real’ waiter dropped
the beers off to heads for the washroom, passing a woman on the way. Blind Date.
There’s a rose on the table and the woman heads to it. Seems the goofy guy in the washroom is her
blind date, and he’s dragged his friend along for moral support. Thing is, the friend quickly becomes
interested in the woman, and they decide to go for dinner. BLIND DATE Directed by
David Antscherl Performed
by Tracey Kenyon, Lindsay Stewart & Bruce Wolff at the Rum Runner. |
Straight Talk.
Roger (Lance has been waiting through the previous plays). The waiter (still Nick) heads over. Very gay.
Very. Nick’s performance in
this role is extremely funny. Shelagh
(Abbey) shows up late. They hug. The order more drinks. She’s confused....why here? He starts a confession. She thinks they are breaking up. They aren’t, it’s just he’s got an
inner-lesbian. A what??? ABBEY: Ok,
so what exactly makes you think you’re a lesbian, Lance? LANCE:
Well, I’ve always been into sports… ABBEY:
What?! LANCE: And
I wear a lot of flannel… ABBEY:
Lance! LANCE: And
I’ve started listening to Dar Williams -- and not just for the instrumentals! Not sure how to deal with this, and that his
inner lesbian things she’s hot, she decides to confess she has an inner gay
man, who likes it rough. After making
really funny remarks, and quips, the waiter says, “It’s like Cabaret, all at
one table.” The play ends with the inner
gay man chasing Lance out of the bar with the waiter racing after them to get
the bill paid – and his therapy. STRAIGHT Written by
Brett Hursey Directed by
Paddy Gillard-Bentley Performed
by Shelagh Ranalli, Roger Sumner & Nicholas Cumming at The Rum Runner End of show.
Thank you to the amazing audiences.
It was so much fun! |
Experience theatre like you never have! Is that woman beside you part of the show or
just strange?
Are those policemen actors who are arresting
the young man? Nope.
Fifteen plays from 45 seconds to 13 minutes
long, in places you'd never expect.
In our past events, some plays have been performed in store windows, garbage
dumpsters, back alleys and
thirty feet below street level through a
grate in the sidewalk. The line between reality and imagination becomes blurred
when you aren't sure what is a play, and what is the usual natural theatre of
downtown Kitchener.
The Box office
this year was at...
A unique café
in downtown